
Título: Production and evaluation of audiovisual material to support the teaching of mathematics in eighth-grade learners


Fecha de publicación: 03-jul-2024

Resumen: Audiovisual materials are extensively explored in mathematics education for their potential to enhance learning outcomes and overcome student disinterest. This study aims to assess eighth-grade students' acceptance of audiovisual materials as educational aids. Using a mixed-method approach, the research initially conducted semi-structured interviews with mathematics teachers to identify teaching-learning challenges. Subsequently, educational videos were produced based on the motivational and didactic criteria derived from these interviews. In the final stage, 78 students participated in a Likert scale survey, following the TAM model, at a public high school in Ibarra, Ecuador, to measure the acceptance of the videos created. Results revealed that teachers identified fear of math, low prior knowledge, and abstract content as primary challenges to address. Most students viewed the videos positively, finding them useful for understanding mathematics concepts and motivating their learning. This research highlights the use of audiovisual materials as potential tools to address educational challenges and enhance student engagement in mathematics.

Palabras clave: Audiovisual material, Didactic Tools, Eight-grade Students, Mathematics Education.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22342/jme.v15i3.pp883-904

ISSN: 20878885

Tipo publicación: Artículo

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